A photo wallpaper is a perfect way to give your interior a unique character and create a striking decoration. Its installation may seem complicated, but with the right preparation and tools you can do it yourself and obtain a professional effect. Th correct gluing of a photo wallpaper requires following a few steps that ensure durability and aesthetic look.

Surface preparation

The first step is the proper preparation of the surface to which the photo wallpaper is glued. The wall should be smooth, clean and dry. Remove any unevenness, old wallpapers and dust. If the wall is painted fresh, wait until the paint is completely dry. It is worth priming the surface so that the adhesive holds better and that the photo wallpaper does not peel in the future. Priming reinforces the surface and ensures better adhesion of the glue. Before commencing the gluing process, make sure that the wall is prepared perfectly, which prevents problems during the installation. Wallpaper adhesives manufacturer in Poland is Grupa Pronicel.

Preparing the photo wallpaper and adhesive

Then, prepare the photo wallpaper and adhesive. Spread the photo wallpaper on a clean, flat surface to make sure that all strips are in the right order and are not damaged. The photo wallpaper adhesive should be chosen appropriately for the type of wallpaper. In case of paper wallpapers, the adhesive is applied directly on the wallpaper, while in case of vinyl or non-woven wallpapers – on the wall. Prepare the adhesive in line with the manufacturer’s manual, mixing it in the right proportions. Make sure the adhesive is thoroughly mixed and free of lumps to ensure even coverage.

Applying the adhesive and gluing on the photo wallpaper

When everything is ready, you can apply the adhesive and glue on the photo wallpaper. In case of paper wallpapers, apply the adhesive to the back of the wallpaper and leave for a few minutes so that the adhesive is absorbed. In case of vinyl wallpapers, apply the adhesive directly on the wall. Affix the first strip of wallpaper from the top of the wall, carefully aligning it with the vertical line. Use a level to make sure that the strip is evenly glued. Gently smooth the wallpaper from the inside out to remove air bubbles. Glue each successive strip, being careful to match the pattern exactly. grupapronicel.pl/en/ specialises in the production of wallpapers, for example.

Smoothing and finishing

Once all the strips of wallpaper are affixed, it is time for smoothing and finishing. Use a rubber roller or special wallpaper putty to carefully smooth the entire surface, removing any air bubbles and excess adhesive. Pay particular attention to edges and connections so that they are perfectly glued. Remove any excess glue with a damp sponge or cloth. If the wallpaper needs cutting, use a sharp knife and a metal ruler to obtain even edges. After the installation, leave the wallpaper to dry for at least 24 hours.

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